Welcome to Dragon's Armory!

    This site is designed for players of all backgrounds to analyze, optimize, and share their characters and character builds.

Local News
by Dedith
on 2015-01-28
Categories: Website Updates

Just wanted to keep folks up to date. With the interface revamp done and settling, I've been working on the internals of the javascript for the characters, items, spells, and alternate advancements.

The goal here is to have a more uniform set of objects I can use for any game to support other SOE games and upcoming games. However, this lets me also look into supporting the backend requirements for some of the other features I want to provide (Character Templates, Anonymous Views, Adorning, Reforging, and AA Calculator)

Note, there isn't a timeframe or guarantee on these, but I would like to add them.

Armory Tracker ACT Plugin
Install from within ACT or download it directly here.
One installed, you can generate an API key here.
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